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Care | Renegade Gardener - Part 3

Fertilizer – Let The Games Begin

RENEGADE GARDENER™ The lone voice of horticultural reason Let The Games Begin 4-10-08 — THAT WAS IT, there’s the bell, April 10th and I don’t care where you live, the 2008 gardening season has begun. You cheaters in USDA Zones 7-10 will be out in shorts this...

Soil – Deciphering the Sun

RENEGADE GARDENER™ The lone voice of horticultural reason Deciphering the Sun  2-1-08 — Quick, name a perennial that prefers full sun. Not too tough a question; Achillea, Aster, Baptisia, Chrysanthemum, Clematis, Coreopsis, Lilium, Perovskia, Phlox, Rudbeckia and...

Winter Prep – Cool Notes, Hot Flashes, and Late Fall Foofaraw

RENEGADE GARDENER™ The lone voice of horticultural reason Cool Notes, Hot Flashes, and Late Fall Foofaraw Literally nipped in the bud: Great Wall rose in the Renegade’s garden, November 30, 2007. 12-01-07 — December may be the cruelest month for the garden,...

Watering – It’s the Minutia That’ll Kill Ya

RENEGADE GARDENER™ The lone voice of horticultural reason It’s the Minutia That’ll Kill Ya 7-5-2000 — My wife complains that I never put the hose away; I contend I’ve learned to leave it out. Once your garden gets to a certain size—a couple of...

General – Every Curb Is A Shoreline

RENEGADE GARDENER™ The lone voice of horticultural reason Every Curb Is A Shoreline (Revised 7-1-2007) Eutrophication—the process whereby nutrients (primarily phosphorus) in water cause excessive and unhealthy aquatic plant growth, particularly of algae—has...

Soil – The Way with Clay

RENEGADE GARDENER™ The lone voice of horticultural reason The Way with Clay 3-1-07– Just flew back from Peoria, and boy, are my arms tired. Central Illinois RULES, and to all the great gardeners who came out to play with me at the Peoria Home & Garden Show, I...