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Plants | Renegade Gardener - Part 4

Dahlia Delirium

RENEGADE GARDENER™ The lone voice of horticultural reason Dahlia Delirium Is the Renegade Gardener Dead? 8-1-06 – Heavens no, though many early mornings when I rise to darkness and the six Advil have worn off, I feel like it. A sincere thank-you to the many...

Touring Terra Nova Nurseries

RENEGADE GARDENER™ The lone voice of horticultural reason Touring Terra Nova Nurseries 4-14-06 –In my first decade as a gardener I developed a great fondness for growing perennials, and began shopping at the many fine retail nurseries in the Twin Cities. Yet I...

Hottest, Hippest, Must-Have Perennials for 2007, Sort Of

RENEGADE GARDENER™ The lone voice of horticultural reason Hottest, Hippest, Must-Have Perennials for 2007, Sort Of 12-9-05 – PERUSE EVERY ARTICLE ON THIS SITE, and search engine or no search engine, you’ll not find a single treatise on “Best New Perennials for...

Water Gardening Design & Construction Tips

RENEGADE GARDENER™ The lone voice of horticultural reason Water Gardening Design & Construction Tips 8-27-04– “Advice to those about to build a Water-garden—DON’T. Not that the Water-garden is not a joy and a glory; but that it is cruelly hard to keep in...

Almost Everything About Annuals

RENEGADE GARDENER™ The lone voice of horticultural reason Almost Everything About Annuals Begonia Rex ‘New York Swirl’ 8-4-04 – When it comes to growing annuals, gardeners new to the hobby often fall into one of two camps. The first perceives annuals as a waste...

Embrace Your Shade

RENEGADE GARDENER™ The lone voice of horticultural reason Embrace Your Shade 7-20-04 – Gardening in shade is a rich, rewarding adventure. There are definite benefits to gardening in partial, dappled, or full shade. Partial shade areas receive only morning or...