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Top Pick | Renegade Gardener - Part 8

Brilliant New Plant Problem Book

RENEGADE GARDENER™ The lone voice of horticultural reason Brilliant New Plant Problem Book  What’s Wrong With My Plant? (And How Do I Fix It?) David Deardorff and Kathryn Wadsworth (Timber Press 2010, softcover, $24.95 US) “Learn how to become a plant doctor—No...

Affordable Time-Lapse & Motion Garden Cameras

RENEGADE GARDENER™ The lone voice of horticultural reason Affordable Time-Lapse & Motion Garden Cameras  Brinno GardenWatch and BirdWatch Cams Here are a couple of products that perform functions I believe most gardeners would consider pretty neat. The...

Jeff Gillman’s Website (and Jeff in General)

RENEGADE GARDENER™ The lone voice of horticultural reason  Jeff Gillman’s Website (and Jeff in General) www.jeffgillman.net  If I had to do it all over again, I’d be Jeff Gillman. OK, Jeff Gillman but with my memories of touring in punk rock bands in the 70s and...

Timely Revision and Update of a Great Perennial Plant Book

RENEGADE GARDENER™ The lone voice of horticultural reason Timely Revision and Update of a Great Perennial Plant Book Growing Perennials in Cold Climates By Mike Heger, Debbie Lonnee, and John Whitman ($39.95, University of Minnesota Press) Readers in Zones 5-10,...

British Nature Artist and Stone God, Andy Goldsworthy

RENEGADE GARDENER™ The lone voice of horticultural reason  British Nature Artist and Stone God, Andy Goldsworthy Found another stone freak I’d rather be, had I his talent. A client lent me the book WALL by Andy Goldsworthy, and now I’m hooked on the guy. Born in...

Definitive Book for Growing Roses in USDA Zones 2-5

RENEGADE GARDENER™ The lone voice of horticultural reason Definitive Book for Growing Roses in USDA Zones 2-5 Growing Roses in Cold Climates (Revised Edition, 2012, University of Minnesota Press) By Richard Hass, Jerry Olson and John Whitman University of...